The Leadership Team



Joyce Woodcraft

















Retired nurse Joyce uses her experience to  head up our Pastoral Team as well as being a Worship Leader.



Eric Davis

















Using his skills as an ex-project manager, Eric tends to front up property projects and is responsible for the smooth running of our large premises and our Foodbank Hub.   



Robert Hardy

“Once a salesman always a salesman,” Robert will be found promoting fund raising activities including our C21st Project and Action for Children.



Linda Brereton
















Trained caterer, Linda helps organise any catering and kitchen matters as well as Worship Leading and is a Church safeguarding officer. 



Phebe Povey 

















Using her experience as a grandparent, Phebe helps organise some of the churches social activities, and is also one of the team of Worship Leaders.



Hazel Davis



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Former schoolteacher Hazel, leads the 'Explorers' group of youngsters as they explore The Bible.


Dave Young

















Ex professional footballer/sports centre manager,  Dave is a Street Pastor and helps organise the churches outreach projects.






These are a few of our church “officers” with many others besides, all beavering away in the background to keep this active church “at the heart of the community.”